The Numeric Miracle In The Holy Quran

What you are about to see is indeed a miracle that no man or any other Creation can do.
And this living miracle is available for every one to see, Indeed it is in The Holy QURAN.
The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said that the Quran was revealed on "SEVEN LETTERS"
This was 1400 years ago and now at the Age of COMPUTERS we see what was meant by such a magnificent statement. And as we all know that the language of numbers is a universal language, we therefore don't have to learn a different language to know that what Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) transmitted or conveyed in His Message was True.

We are also going to see the proof of That ALLAH The Almighty has created small minute things like the numbers and the letters.

We recite the first chapter (Alfateha) from this holy book ( The Quran) in our daily five prayers 17 times and it starts with the holy heading "In the Name Of ALLAH Most Gracious Most Merciful" .

Islamic words and meanings

***1)The name "ALLAH" in Islam is for The Almighty the Creator and 2) In Islam the Prophet and Messenger of Allah is "Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) " and 3) The "Holy QURAN" is the holy Book of Islam that was revealed by Angel Gabrael (PBUH) to the "Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) "***

****(PBUH) :means Peace and blessings be upon him

*****The usual greeting in Islam starts with Peace


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Begining of The Islamic Numeric Miracle :


The Name ALLAH in Arabic contains only three different main Letters from the Alphabet which are the

Special letters ( A & L & H ), and

we see that :

These letters are repeated in this chapter exactly 49 times which is


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Now some of the letters in Arabic have dots above or bellow them, and There are 56 dots exactly in this chapter which is 8 x 7 !!!!

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And some of the letters in Arabic have identifiers above or bellow them such as Shaddas

There are 14 Shaddas exactly in this chapter which is 2 x 7 !!!!

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Now if under each word of the heading (In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful) that this chapter starts with ,you place the number of the special letters (A & L & H ) in it , we will get 2240 which equals

320 x 7 !!!!

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And If you place the number of special letters A & L & H under each word in this whole chapter you will get a 31 digit number which is

And when divided by seven this gives exactly:

600314588603288574573175760320 !!!!.

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This chapter only uses 21 letters from the total of 28 in the Arabic Alphabet Letters , which is

3 x 7 !!!! Remaining 7 !!!!!


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Now if under each word of the heading (In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful) that this chapter starts with ,you place the number of the letters it consists of , we will get 6643 which equals

949 x 7 !!!!


Not surprising then that the Prophet (PBUH) said "that there was never revealed light, like this chapter in any book before or after" . All this and the almost poetic meaning in this chapter is still beautifully reserved. Because as we know if you try to place any code into for example a letter that you are writing, like in the life of espionage, then you will lose a lot of the useful meaning of the letter content.Science and Computing proves Islam's truth


A special ONE for the Unbelivers:


And in chapter 112 "Alikhlas" and in the first verse, there are exactly "seven 7" of the special letters A & L & H, (only ONE seven) therefor proving the ones of Allah the almighty because! The verse says and I quote

قل هو الله أحد

Count for your self here:

قل هو الله أحد

1 + 4 +1 +1 = 7


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And the prophet (PBUH) said that the "Alfateha" equals the whole Quran in reward and the latter "Alikhlas" equals in reward Third of the Holy Quran and therefore because of their relation with the holy Quran , it is no wonder that they are in respect related to the Number Seven as well. Just look at this below



There are 112 chapters between this chapter "Alfateha" and the chapter "Alikhlas" which is

16 x 7 !!!!,


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A special ONE for computer fans:

Now if we consider where each of the Heading (In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful) is placed in the whole holy Quran, we find that all the chapters except one start with it and chapter Alnamel actually includes it within it as well.

So if we count the digit one (1) for each chapter that includes this heading and zero (0) for the chapter that does not include it and two for that chapter Alnamel because it includes it twice we get:

11111111111 211111111111111111011111111



This 114 digit number is divisible by 7 nineteen times exactly which is equal to the number of letters in this special miraclous heading (In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful). Indeed Allah is Great


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The Seal of This Islamic Miracle and Challenge

Befitting this challenge , Allah the Almighty integrates this challenge with a conclusive verse from the holly Quran , from chapter "Al Esraa "Number 17 and verse Number 88 . Where the verse says in lettral translation that "Say that if All humanity and All The jennies (Jinxes) gather together and Try to make another book similar to the Quran to challenge the Holy Quran , they will find that they cannot , even if they try to support each other". And if in this verse we place the number of letters in each word under it , then we will get from the 21 word verse ,the following 21 digit number :

This amazing number is divisible by seven when entered into the calculator from right to left and also vice versa ( from left to right) !!!!.


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The Number Nineteen (19) In The Holy Quran:

Knowledge in Islam is very important and so The first word that was revealed in the holy Quran was "Iqra" which means Read ,therefore "Knowledge is as I previously mentioned very important in Islam" and this was in the chapter 96 "alalq". This word is one of "nineteen" 19 words that were first revealed in five verses and then the rest of this nineteen 19 verse chapter was revealed on a different occasion. This chapter is also positioned nineteen 19 from the end of the Holy Book.
The holy Quran contains 114 chapters which is 19 x 6 and all of these chapters except chapter number "9" begin with the holy heading "IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS MOST MERCIFULL " which in Arabic consists of nineteen 19 letters. and chapter number 27 "Alnamel" Begins with this holy heading and Includes it again within it . and therefore this holy heading is also repeated 114 times in the holy Quran which as we said is divisible by 19.
To prove that all this is not a coincidence, there are nineteen 19 chapters between the chapter which includes this holy heading "IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS MOST MERCIFULL " within it and the chapter that does not start with this holy heading . namely chapters "Alnamel" and "Altawba" .
There are also 342 words between the beginning of chapter 9 "Altawba" and the holy heading within chapter "Alnamel", Which is 342= 18 x 19 !!!!!



The connection between the numbers 7 and 19 :

The amazing Verse number 122 in chapter3 says:

"Who speaks more truthfully than Allah"

And indeed when you count the number of A and L and H (in the Arabic Language) in this verse you find that there are 1 "one" H and 3 "three" L and 3 "three" A. giving the number 133 which is 19 x 7 !!!

Why I say amazing verse , it is because even when you place the number of the ordinary alphabetical letters it contains under each word in it then we get 442421 which is divisible by seven, two times .

And also amazing because when we place the number of special letters A & L & H under each word in this verse we also get 240100 which is divisble by seven ,4 times and 4 is the number of Letters in the name ALLAH the almighty in the Arabic writing language.

On The Internet:
This subject is very big and some of the topics discussed above are widely covered on Islamic sites on the world wide web , so if you have any questions please send me an email with the subject as " Numeric Miracle" and I will be happy to answer any queries that you may have to the following address: omartref@yahoo.comScience and Computing proves Islam's truth


Sincerity of the prophetof Islam Mohammed (PBUH):

The prophet (PBUH) who was sent to all humanity as mercy to them and
There was no doubt about the sincerity of the prophet (PBUH) as this was one of His names " The Trustworthy " and He (PBUH) carried this name from a very young age because his tribe and the people who knew Him called him with this name. And was the one to rule between the fighting tribes to rebuild the Holy Kabba after the miracle of the battle of the infamous "Ellephant" were Abraha tried to destroy the holy Kabba with trained Elephants but Allah the almighty sent very small little stones from Hell carried by birds to bombard his defeated army with. When Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ruled that each head of tribe holds a corner of the Prophets coat and places the stones in the middle of it and then it is carried to its intended place and the stone is placed into position by the Prophet (PBUH) . and also He (PBUH) used to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of this message and for Pleasing Allah the Almighty , and as an example He (PBUH) used to give up sleep , in order to pray at night, and when asked by his wife why he used to do so especially as she said " all your sins are forgiven so why do you pray so hard?", he replied " Don't I have to be a thankful worshipper".



While The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was migrating from Mecca To Madina at the beginning of his message , The unbelievers from the tribe of "Quraish" placed a very large bounty on his head and so this attracted bounty hunters to try and stop him from completing his Journey , and one of these bounty hunters was a man Named Suraka Ibn Malik , and when he saw the prophet on the way, he first tried to catch up with him , but three times his horse's feet froze in the sand , and each time he asks the prophet to pray for him to free his horse , and the horse was freed as a result. Because of what he witnessed , he became a Muslim and the prophet right there and then Promissed him The Bracelets of the Caesar himself who was the King Of the Persian Empire, who was ruling at the time. And this prophecy came true of course when the Muslims concord the land , in the time of the Kalif Omar Ibn AlKhatab.


Prophecy 2:

In the Beginning of the Chapter Number 39 (Alroom) in the holy Quran , Allah the Almighty has revealed to His Prophet (PBUH) that The Romans are going to concur the "Majoos"{ Who were fire worshippers in Persia } in ten years after they were previously beaten by them. And this is to happen in lowest point on earth, and this came true when the Romans beat the Majoos in a place near the Dead sea . and now modern Geologists say that this is the Lowest Point on Earth.

Prophecy 3:

In the final chapters of the prophets Life (PBUH) , and at the conquest of Mecca the prophet said to his companions to go and stop a woman on the way to Mecca who was carrying a letter to the unbelievers ,in which there is information telling them of the prophets secret plans for the conquest, and when the companions found and confronted this woman , asked her whether she was carrying any belongings on her , she denied it, but one of the companions said that I know the Prophet never lies and threatened to carry a personal search if she doesn't comply , so she Took out the letter which she was hiding , and the prophets secret plans (PBUH) was saved due to this prophecy, , Where in His Infamous Final conquest Sermon asked the tribe of Quraish what do you think that I will do to you now, they replied , you are a generous brother and the son of a generous brother. And he said, Therefore Go , You are Free. And so the final very big and dramatic stage, and conquest, of the prophets life (PBUH) went without blood shed.

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Miracles IN ISLAM :

1-The Miracle of splitting of the moon where there is a whole chapter about the splitting, where it was witnessed by people of the time who asked the Prophet (PBUH) to split the moon into two halves and this was verified by travelers from outside the city , that they have also seen this amazing event .

2- The Miracle of healing , where as an example the prophet (PBUH) healed a soldier's eye after it actually came out in battle and he (PBUH) returned it back, and this soldier actually said it is better than it was before and his companions witnessed that it is even looking better that the other good eye.

3- The Miracle of blessing and increasing the amount of food and drink, where in the conquest of "Khandaq" the Prophet (PBUH) was called to a large stone, which was in the way ,Because the army had to dig in its place ,but they failed to break it or to move it, and so the Prophet (PBUH) raised the axe and blow the first strike saying I have been given the Keys to Syria, And it cracked partially, then He (PBUH) blow the second strike saying I have been given the Keys to of Persia, And it cracked by two thirds ,Then He (PBUH) blow the Third strike saying I have been given the Keys to Yemen and the stone was completely broken. Each time He (PBUH) blew the stone with the axe he said Allah is The Greatest "Allaho Akbar". And Because in this conquest they had almost no food , a soldier by the name of "Jaber Ibn AbdAllah" invited the prophet (PBUH) to a meal in his house , asking Him to only invite one or two companions with Him, because he had to prepare some meat at home from one small goat and a hand full of wheat grain , but surprisingly the Prophet (PBUH) invited the whole army and they queued outside his home where they where entered in groups of 10 , and they were all fully fed , and the quantity of food that actually remained, was more or equal to the amount at the beginning of the invitation.

4-The Miracle of travel From Mecca In Saudi Arabia to Palestine (Jerusalem) and Transcendence to sky (Heavens) at the dome of the rock and leading the prophets and messengers in prayer,Peace Be Upon him and all of prophets and messengers. All this happened within one night called " The night of Isra And Miraj ".

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The main miracle in Islam is considered to be the Holy Quran (although as was partly shown) there are many other physical Islamic miracles that kept on happening.

There are more miracles in the time of the Prophet (PBUH) and in the holy Quran than we can place in this document { As this is now on the web we will (Allah welling) introduce more miracles and enlarge the contents of this site }, and therefore it is indeed a very poor person that dose not hold true to Islam. And witness that there is no other God worthy of worship except ALLAH The Almighty and Mohammed may peace and blessings be upon Him is His Messenger .

A Muslim is said to be one that submmits to the will of the Creator ALLAH The Almighty and one enters Islam by saying the "Shahada" which is witnessing that Allah is the only one worthy of worship meaning the only one worthy of "praying to Him" and our master Mohammed is his prophet and messenger.

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